Dhaka Regional ACM ICPC 2016 Mock Contest Solution E - Large vs Small
E. Large vs Small
Score: 1
CPU: 1s
Memory: 1200MB
CPU: 1s
Memory: 1200MB
You will be given a list of numbers. After reading each number, you have to print the largest number you have still read divided by smallest number you have still read.
For each X, print one line of output, “Case Y: Z”. Where Y is the position of X in input and Z is the result of the division rounded to two digit after decimal.
Input | Output |
5 4 3 2 6 1 | Case 1: 1.00 Case 2: 1.33 Case 3: 2.00 Case 4: 3.00 Case 5: 6.00 |
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