Controlling 8 BIT SMD LED Array by Potentiometer 100k

In this intractable, we want to control 8 bit smd led array by Potentiometer.

Step 1:
Materials Required
1.     Arduino (We use UNO)
2.     8 Bit Smd Led Array
3.     Potentiometer 100k
4.     Jumper wires Male - Female

Software Required
1.     Arduino IDE (We use NSight Eclipse)

 Circuit Diagram

Step 2:
Uploading Arduino Program


int main (void)
 unsigned char result;
 DDRD = DDRD | 0b11111111; // Make all port d pins as output

       /* 1. */ DDRC = DDRC | 0b00111111; // Make all of PORT C as INPUT
       /* 2. */ ADMUX = ADMUX | 0b01100000; // SELECT 5V and LEFT ADJUST
       /* 3. */ ADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN); // Turn on the ADC module
       /* 4. */ _delay_ms(10);
       /* 5. */ ADCSRA = ADCSRA | 0b00000100; // Select divide by 16

 while (1)
  /* 1. */ ADMUX = ADMUX & 0b11110000; // select default ADC0
  /* 2. */ ADMUX = ADMUX | 0b00000010; // select ADC2
  /* 3. */ ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); // Start conversion
  /* 4. */ while (!(ADCSRA & 0b00010000)); // POLLING UNTIL
  /* 5. */ ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIF); // Clear the ADIF flag
  /* 6. */ result = ADCH; // read the ADC result

  PORTD = result;

 return 0;

Picture of the completed hardware in operation

Finally, now we can control Led by Potentiometer.On the Led we can see output shows value from 0 to 254.


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